Error↕️ |
Description↕️ |
ActionNotAllowedInPrologue | You must complete the Prologue to do that. | |
AspectDefinitionAlreadyOnItem | The target item already has this Codex of Power Aspect. | |
BlockedSubzone | You will be teleported back if you continue. | |
BnetServerRestart | Server restarting for updates in {s1}. | |
BnetServerShutdown | Server shutting down in {s1}. | |
Bnet_PartyJoin_NoRoom | There is not enough room in that party. | |
Bnet_PartyJoin_NotCrossplayCompatible | Your cross-play setting is not compatible with the party you attempted to join. | |
Bnet_PartyJoin_NotFound | The party you attempted to join no longer exists. | |
BossEncounterNotAvailable | You cannot join a Boss encounter right now. | |
CannotDoInCoop | You cannot do that in shared screen play. | |
CannotDoThatRightNow | You cannot do that right now. | |
CannotDoWhenCoOpBusy | You cannot do that while {s1} is busy. | |
CannotDoWhileDead | You cannot do that while dead. | |
CannotDoWhileLocalCoopPlayerIsDead | Can't do this while {s1} is dead | |
CannotDoWhileTraverse | You cannot travel whilst traversing. | |
CannotEnchantItemQuality | You cannot enchant items of this quality. | |
CannotEnchantItemType | You cannot enchant items of this type. | |
CannotEnchantUniqueItem | Unique items cannot be enchanted. | |
CannotExtractAffixFromEssenceItem | That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it. | |
CannotExtractAffixFromImbuedItem | You cannot extract from items with imprinted Aspects. | |
CannotExtractAffixFromItem | That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it. | |
CannotExtractAffixFromItemWithNoAffixes | You cannot extract Aspects from items that have no Legendary powers. | |
CannotExtractFromItemLocked | Cannot extract from a favorited item. | |
CannotExtractFromItemWithNoExtractableAffixes | You cannot extract aspects from items that have no legendary powers. | |
CannotImbueAffixOnItem | That item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it. | |
CannotImbueAffixOnItemType | You cannot imprint that Aspect on this item type. | |
CannotImbueClassRestrictedItem | You cannot imprint items that are not for your current Class. | |
CannotImbueItemWithNoAffixes | That item has no affixes that can be replaced with Aspects. | |
CannotPortalDuringPartySummon | Cannot use a portal while being summoned by a party member. | |
CannotReplaceGemWithHeart | You cannot replace a socketed gem with hearts. See the Jeweler to unsocket the Gem first. | |
CannotSummonBoss | You must defeat the boss before summoning it again. | |
CannotTradeItemLocked | Favorited items cannot be traded. | |
CannotUnSocket | That item has no Gems to unsocket. | |
CannotUnsocketHeart | A malignant heart can not be unsocketed. It can only be replaced with another heart. | |
CannotUseFromThisSide | You cannot use that from this side. | |
ChallengerRiftCanceled | You have abandoned your Trial. | |
ChallengerRiftCannotChangeBuild | You cannot adjust your skill points, class specializations, Paragon points, or equipment at this time. | |
ChallengerRiftRequiredTier4 | Your party must be in World Tier 4 to initiate or join Trials. | |
ClanNoStream | There was a problem sending the clan chat message. | |
ClassUnavailable | {c_red}Unavailable{/c} | |
ConnectionLost | Unable to perform that action while attempting to reconnect. | |
ContentBlockedClanName | {c_red}Content Blocked{/c} | |
ContentBlockedDescription | You cannot view this user generated content. | |
ContentNotAllowedClanName | {c_red}Content Blocked{/c} | |
ContentNotAllowedDescription | This account has restrictions on viewing user generated content. | |
EntirePartyMustBePresent | Your entire party must be present and alive to do that. | |
EventRewardNotAllowed | That reward does not belong to you. | |
Helltide_Summon_Lock | You do not have enough Baneful Hearts. | |
IAR_CannotSalvage | You cannot salvage that item here. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAll | You have no items to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllAncestralSigils | You have no Ancestral Nightmare Sigils to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllChippedGems | You have no Chipped Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllCrudeGems | You have no Crude Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllFlawlessGems | You have no Flawless Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllGems | You have no Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunk | You have no items Marked as Junk to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunkSigil | You have no sigils Marked as Junk to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllMagic | You have no Magic items to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllNormal | You have no Common items to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllRare | You have no Rare items to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllRoyalGems | You have no Royal Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllSacredSigils | You have no Sacred Nightmare Sigils to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllScrap | You have no scrap to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllSigils | You have no Nightmare Sigils to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAllStandardGems | You have no Standard Gems to salvage. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageAspects | You cannot salvage Aspects. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageConsumables | You cannot salvage Consumable items. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageEquippedItems | You cannot salvage an item while it is equipped. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageGemmedItems | All Gems must be removed from that item before it can be salvaged. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageLocked | You cannot salvage a favorited item. | |
IAR_CannotSalvageQuestItems | You cannot salvage Quest items. | |
IAR_CantEquipUnidentifiedItem | You cannot equip unidentified items. | |
IAR_CantSocketIntoUnidentifiedItem | You cannot socket into an unidentified item. | |
IAR_ContainerRemoveOnly | You cannot place items here. | |
IAR_FullDurability | That item does not need to be repaired. | |
IAR_ItemAffixBlocklisted | That item has a blocklisted affix and cannot be equipped. | |
IAR_ItemCannotBeStashed | That item cannot be stored in your Stash. | |
IAR_ItemNotSocketable | You cannot socket into that item. | |
IAR_ItemRequiresSkill | That item requires a Skill to be equipped. | |
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch1HSlot | That slot can only equip a One-Handed weapon. | |
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HBluntSlot | That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon. | |
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HRangedSlot | That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Ranged weapon. | |
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HSlashSlot | That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Slashing weapon. | |
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatchSlot | That item is the wrong type of item for this slot. | |
IAR_NoFreeSockets | There are no empty sockets in the item. See the Jeweler to modify sockets and Gems. | |
IAR_NotAllowedHere | That item is not allowed there. | |
IAR_NotEnoughRoom | You do not have enough Inventory space to do that. | |
IAR_NotEnoughRoomStash | You do not have enough Stash space in the current tab. | |
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemLevel | You do not meet the required Level to equip that item. | |
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemRequirements | You do not meet the requirements to equip that item. | |
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetSocketLevel | You do not meet the required Level to socket that item. | |
IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassForItem | That item cannot be equipped by your Class. | |
IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassToSocketItem | That item cannot be socketed by your Class. | |
InsufficientFunds | You do not have enough Gold. | |
InsufficientFunds_Currency | You cannot afford this item. | |
InsufficientFunds_GamblingCurrency | You do not have enough Obols. | |
InsufficientFunds_GenericCurrency | You cannot afford to unlock that. | |
InsufficientFunds_PvPCurrency | You do not have enough Red Dust. | |
ItemCannotAddMoreThanMaxSockets | That item already has the maximum number of sockets allowed. | |
ItemCannotBeDropped | That item cannot be dropped. | |
ItemCannotBeDroppedLocked | Favorited items cannot be dropped. | |
ItemCannotBeSold | That item cannot be sold. | |
ItemCannotBeSoldLocked | Favorited items cannot be sold. | |
ItemCannotHaveSocket | That item cannot have a socket. | |
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgrade | That item cannot be upgraded. | |
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoBlacksmith | Armor and Weapons can only be upgraded at a Blacksmith. | |
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoJeweler | Amulet and Rings can only be upgraded at a Jeweler. | |
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtVendor | That item cannot be upgraded at this Vendor. | |
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeFurther | You cannot upgrade this item further. | |
ItemCrafting_HasNotUnlockedNextUpgradeLevel | You are not high enough Level to upgrade this item. | |
ItemCrafting_MissingReagents | You do not have enough materials to craft this item. | |
ItemCrafting_MissingReagents_Exchange | You do not have enough materials to exchange this item. | |
ItemCrafting_Unknown | You cannot craft that item. | |
ItemIsUniqueEquipped | You cannot equip more than one of this item. | |
ItemNotReady | That item is not ready yet. | |
ItemRequired | You don't have the item to do that. | |
ItemSelectionCancelled | Item selection action has been cancelled. | |
ItemSocketCanOnlyHaveOneWrathfulOrb | [PH] You cannot equip more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Orb | |
ItemSocketConditionRuneAlreadySocketed | You cannot socket multiple Condition Runes on the same item. | |
ItemSocketConditionRuneNotAllowed | This is a Condition Rune. Condition Runes must be socketed above Effect Runes. | |
ItemSocketEffectRuneAlreadySocketed | You cannot socket multiple Effect Runes on the same item. | |
ItemSocketEffectRuneNotAllowed | This is an Effect Rune. Effect Runes must be socketed below Condition Runes. | |
ItemSocketEquipUniqueRuneEquipped | You cannot equip this item because it contains a Rune that is already equipped. | |
ItemSocketLocked | You cannot socket favorited items | |
ItemSocketMalignantColorMismatch | There is no eligible socket in the item. You can only insert a matching heart or a Wrathful heart. | |
ItemSocketMaxEquippedConditionRunes | You cannot equip more than 2 Condition Runes. | |
ItemSocketMaxEquippedEffectRunes | You cannot equip more than 2 Effect Runes. | |
ItemSocketRuneAlreadyEquipped | You cannot equip more than one of this Rune. | |
ItemSocketRuneNotEnoughSockets | Cannot socket Runes in items with fewer than 2 sockets. | |
ItemSocketTypeMismatch | That item cannot be socketed into this type of item. | |
ItemSocketUniqueEquipped | You cannot socket more than one of that item. | |
ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealth | You are already at full Life. | |
ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealthAndResource | You are already at full Life and Resource. | |
ItemUse_Locked | You cannot use favorited items. | |
ItemUse_NoItem | You do not have the required item. | |
ItemUse_NotEnoughPagesToConvert | You don't have enough pages to convert them into a tome. | |
ItemUse_NotInADungeon | That item can only be used in dungeons. | |
ItemUse_RecipeAlreadyKnown | That Recipe is already known. | |
ItemUse_RecipeLevelTooHigh | You do not meet the required Level to learn that Recipe. | |
ItemUse_RecipeRarityTooLow | A more powerful Tempering Recipe is already known. | |
ItemUse_TransmogAlreadyUnlocked | You already own that cosmetic. | |
KeyedDungeonInsideNMD | Can only use a Nightmare Sigil outside a Nightmare Dungeon. | |
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier2 | Your party must be in World Tier 3 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. | |
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier3 | Your party must be in World Tier 4 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. | |
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier4 | Your party must be in World Tier 5 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. | |
LeavingPvPCausesShardLoss | Leaving the PvP area will cause you to lose all uncleansed Seeds of Hatred. | |
LeavingPvPShrineTurnIn | Leaving the ring will result in abandoning the Extraction Ritual. | |
LockedChest_GamblingCurrencyKey | You need a Whispering Key to open this locked chest. | |
LockedDoor | You need a key to open this door. | |
LockedDoor_001 | This door is locked and bears no keyholes. | |
Masterwork_InvalidItem | You cannot Masterwork this item. | |
MountUpDisabled | Mounts are restricted in this area. | |
MustImbueLegendaryOrRareItem | Only Rare and Legendary items can have Aspects imprinted onto them. | |
NoLearnedMount | You have not unlocked any Mounts. | |
NoPartyMembersToSummon | There are no party members to summon. | |
ObjectInUseByAnotherPlayer | Object is in use by another player | |
ParagonBoard_BoardCannotBeUnequipped | [PH]This paragon board cannot be unequipped. | |
ParagonBoard_RefundAllNoPointsSpent | You have no nodes to refund | |
ParagonBoard_RefundNodeBreaksConnection | You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node. | |
ParagonBoard_RefundNodeNoPointsSpent | You cannot refund a node that has not been unlocked. | |
ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardCannotAfford | You do not have enough gold to unequip this board. | |
ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardContainingPurchasedNodes | You must refund all nodes on this board before you can detach it. | |
PartyTownPortalNotAvailable | You cannot use Town Portal until the Prologue is completed. | |
PetSpecializationLocked | That Minion specialization is currently locked. | |
Pickup_AtCurrencyCap | You cannot carry the additional {s1}. | |
Pickup_AtCurrencyCap_Local_Coop | {s1} cannot carry the additional {s2}. | |
Pickup_BelongsToOther | That item belongs to someone else and cannot be picked up. | |
Pickup_Failed | That item cannot be picked up. | |
Pickup_Failed_Local_Coop | That item cannot be picked up. {s1}'s inventory is full. | |
Pickup_NoSuitableSlot | You have no place to put that item. | |
Pickup_NoSuitableSlot_Local_Coop | {s1} has no place to put that item. | |
Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed | You are not allowed to have more than one of that item. | |
Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed_Local_Coop | {s1} is not allowed to have more than one of that item. | |
PinnedLockedDungeon | You cannot pin a locked dungeon. | |
PowerAtFullHealth | You cannot use that Skill while you are at full Life. | |
PowerInCooldown | That Skill is not ready. | |
PowerInTown | You cannot do that in this area. | |
PowerInvalidTarget | That target is invalid. | |
PowerMissingItem | You don't have the item to do that. | |
PowerNeedCorpse | That Skill requires a Corpse. | |
PowerNeedsLineOfSight | That Skill requires line of sight to the target. | |
PowerNeedTarget | That Skill requires a target. | |
PowerNotEnoughCharges | That Skill requires a Charge to use. | |
PowerNotEnoughComboPoints | That Skill requires Combo Points to use. | |
PowerNotEnoughDruidCharges | Not enough Wrath to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughEnergy | Not enough Energy to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughEssence | Not enough Essence to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughFury | Not enough Fury to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughHealth | Not enough Life to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughMana | Not enough Mana to use that Skill. | |
PowerNotEnoughSpirit | Not enough Spirit to use that Skill. | |
PowerOutOfPotions | You are out of Healing Potions. | |
PowerRequiresWeapon | That Skill requires an equipped weapon. | |
PowerTargetBadLocation | That target location is invalid. | |
PowerTargetTooFar | That target is too far for that Skill. | |
PowerUnusableGeneric | That Skill is not ready. | |
PowerUnusableInArea | You cannot do that in this area. | |
PowerUnusableInCombat | You cannot do that while in combat. | |
PowerUnusableSitting | You cannot use that Skill while sitting. | |
PowerWrongWeapon | That Skill requires a different weapon. | |
PVPAltarCooldown | Altar of Extraction is on cooldown. | |
QuestItemRequired | You don't have the item to do that. | |
RareMalignantHeartLimit | You cannot have more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Heart equipped. | |
S01_MalignantChoice_Defensive | You must craft a Brutal Malignant Invoker to proceed. | |
S01_MalignantChoice_Offensive | You must craft a Vicious Malignant Invoker to proceed. | |
S01_MalignantChoice_Powerful | You must craft a Wrathful Malignant Invoker to proceed. | |
S01_MalignantChoice_Utility | You must craft a Devious Malignant Invoker to proceed. | |
S01_Varshan | You must craft an Invoker of Varshan to proceed. | |
S01_Varshan_WT3 | You must craft a Foul Invoker of Varshan to proceed. | |
S01_Varshan_WT4 | You must craft a Tormented Invoker of Varshan to proceed. | |
S02_BloodSealAlreadyEquipped | This Vampiric Power is already equipped. | |
S02_BloodSealCannotEquip | Cannot equip this Vampiric Power. | |
S02_BloodSealLocked | Cannot equip locked Vampiric Power. | |
S02_CannotAddPactsToNonArmor | Can only add Pacts to armor. | |
S02_CannotRemoveArmorPacts | No Pacts to remove on this item. | |
S02_InsufficientFunds_BloodSealUpgradeCurrency | You do not have enough Potent Blood. | |
S02_MaxArmorPacts | This item cannot have more Pacts added. | |
S03_Attunement_InsufficientPearls | A Pearl of Warding is required to receive Zoltun's Warding. | |
S03_LBD_Rift_ScoreChestLocked | A key is required to open this chest. | |
S2_Vampzone_BloodLure_Pedestal | Requires 50 Blood Lures to operate | |
S2_Vampzone_BloodStone_Altar | Requires a Glowing Blood Stone to operate | |
S2_Vampzone_LockedVampireChest | You need a Seeker Key to open this. | |
S2_Vampzone_LockedWell | Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate | |
S2_Vampzone_SanguineAltar | Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate | |
SideQuestLimitReached | You have reached the maximum number of active Side Quests. | |
Skills_CantChangeWhileInCombat | You cannot change your Skills while in combat. | |
SkillTree_BreaksNodeConnection | You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node. | |
SkillTree_InvalidatesRootNode | You cannot refund a node that is required to keep a cluster unlocked. | |
SkillTree_NoPointsSpent | You cannot refund a node that has no Skill Points invested. | |
SkillTree_RefundAllNoPointsSpent | You have no nodes to refund | |
SkillTree_RespecModeInvalidTree | You have broken paths in the skill tree | |
SkillTree_RespecModeNoPendingOperations | You have no changes to confirm | |
SocialFeaturesDisabled | This account has restrictions on communications. | |
SocialFriendsFailedToLoad | {c_red}Failed to load friends list.{/c} | |
SocialWheelLeaveDungeonNotAvailable | Leave Dungeon not available. | |
SocialWheelMountLocked | You have not unlocked any Mounts. | |
SocialWheelMountNotAvailable | Mounts are restricted in this area. | |
SocialWheelPlayerContextMenuNotAvailable | Context menu not available at this time. | |
SocialWheelQuickChatNotAvailable | Chat is not available at this time. | |
SocialWheelQuickInviteNotAvailable | Party Invite is not available at this time. | |
SocialWheelQuickTradeNotAvailable | Trade is not available at this time. | |
SocialWheelTownPortalLocked | Town Portal not Available. | |
SocialWheelZonePVPFlagged | That action is not available at this time. | |
SocialWheelZonePVPFlaggedNeedCleansing | You are already marked. Find the Altar of Cleansing {icon | |
SocialWheelZonePVPNonPremium | A premium account is required for that action. | |
SocialWheelZonePVPNotInZone | You must be in a PvP territory to perform that action. | |
Temper_CannotRerollCategory | This item cannot reroll affixes with the selected recipe. | |
Temper_GenericError | You cannot Temper this item. | |
Temper_ItemNotEquippable | Only equippable items can be Tempered. | |
Temper_LegacyItem | Legacy items cannot be Tempered. | |
Temper_MaxCount | This item has reached its Temper Reroll limit. | |
Temper_UnsupportedItemQuality | Only Rare and Legendary items can be Tempered. | |
Temper_WrongItemType | The selected Tempering Recipe cannot be used on this item type. | |
TownPortalNotAllowedInPrologue | You cannot Town Portal until the Prologue is completed. | |
TradeChatSpamError | You need to wait before you can send another message to this channel. | |
Trial_PartyMemberStopped | A party member stopped the Challenge Rift | |
Trial_PartySizeChanged | The Challenge Rift stopped because the party size changed | |
VesselOfHatred_Altar_Disabled | You cannot use that while Hatred's Chosen. | |
WaypointAccessError | You must interact with a Waypoint in the world to access Waypoint travel. | |
WaypointNotActive | The destination Waypoint has not been discovered. | |
WaypointNotAllowedInPrologue | You cannot use Waypoints until the Prologue is completed. | |
WithdrawOnly | You cannot store item in this stash tab because it's withdraw only. | |
WorldTiers_PartyWarning | Only the party lead can change World Tiers. | |
WorldTierUnavailable | World Tier is unavailable due to outstanding party invites. | |
WrongSlotErrorMessage | That stone is the wrong type for this slot. | |